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Rondo Top Hats

Rondo produce a wide range of Top Hats for a variety of uses including internally or externally and on vertical fascias and soffits. Top Hats are often used where there is a higher wind loading or where heavy duty sheeting is to be installed.

Rondo Top Hats come in both medium gauge (0.75bmt) and heavy gauge (1.15bmt), two different face widths, 50mm and 75mm, and four different depths, 15mm, 25mm, 35mm, and 50mm. Each Top Hat is manufactured from G200 Z275 Gal Steel.

Rondo also produce a range of complementary fixing cleats that enable the adjustable fixing of Top Hats to steel or masonry/concrete substrates as well as to steel stud framing, allowing for plumb or leveling of the cleat to the structure and of the Top Hat onto the cleat.

Name Description Size
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